Crisis can come in many forms. You may have experienced personal physical injury or may feel you are frozen in time after an experience with a traumatic incident. Sometimes you can get "stuck" in the moment and lose touch with life. You may begin to notice triggers in your life that will keep throwing you back to the time of the trauma or incident. A crisis can create sleepless nights, increased drug or alcohol use or abuse, relational difficulties, tearfulness and anger. You may feel you have a short fuse, or get frustrated with other people for not understanding your situation. Facing divorce or the death of a loved one can be considered a crisis and one should be given a great deal of attention and support during these times.
I find working with people in crisis to be very rewarding. I am a Certified Clinical Trauma Professional with 16 years experience working with individuals and families experiencing mental health crisis or physical and emotional trauma. I feel confident that I can help you begin to work through your crisis and move forward. Being "stuck" is very frightening and can often times not resolve without professional attention. There can be many years that pass and you can still be "triggered" by something terrible that happened to you in your past. Why go through life this way when you have an opportunity to get help and get better now?
If you are stuck, come and see me. I can help you. I look forward to meeting with you soon.
Please call 360-524-2045 to schedule an appointment.
"Enlightenment is always there. Small enlightenment will bring great enlightenment. If you breathe in and are aware that you are alive—that you can touch the miracle of being alive—then that is a kind of enlightenment."
Thich Nhat Hahn