Counseling in Vancouver, Washington

Vancouver Washington Counseling Resources

The following list of links and resources is intended to help you learn more and/or gather additional information about specific mental health needs or issues. If you find any links that are no longer working, such as inaccurate links, broken links or you have any additional resources that you think might help those who are searching, please let me know! Also. Please watch this list, it is updated regularly as new information becomes available or clients/colleagues contact me with more resources. Thank you.

Techniques for managing your stress/ Mindfulness Techniques

Personality Disorders

Parenting Teens

Local Addiction Resources

Co-Dependents Anonymous

Premarital Counseling Resources-


Caregiver resources in Vancouver Washington


Veterans Resources

About Face, Veterans stories in Video

Screening tools for and info on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Military Sexual Trauma

Sexual intimacy issues with combat veterans and their partners

Front Line Medical Professionals- FL2FL

I'm available Monday through Thursday, 11:00am - 6:00pm. Schedule your appointment now. (360) 524-2045

“Jennifer is fantastic! She helped me to regain direction and focus in my life to change self-destructive habits into positive energy to better myself and those around me. She goes the extra mile to help you find not only your inner drive, but external resources to help you achieve your goals!”