Counseling in Vancouver, Washington

Vancouver, WA Counseling Services

I can help those who are struggling with;

Currently, I will see individuals and couples in Vancouver, Washington for counseling Mondays thru Thursdays, 11am-6pm. Please let me help you.

My office is located in Beautiful Historic downtown Vancouver, Washington.

951 Officers Row

Vancouver, WA 98661


Phone Number 360-524-2045.

FAX: 360-785-2044


Messages will be returned by the following Friday, for new inquiries, if not sooner.

If you are in crisis and need to speak with a counselor immediately, please call the Clark County Crisis Line at 696-9560. If you are suicidal and feel you cannot keep yourself safe, please call 911 or a friend to take you to the nearest Emergency Department.


I am a Preferred Provider for the following insurance carriers; (see note)

NOTE: It is the client's responsibility to confirm "IN-NETWORK" status.


2 hour intake session- $200.00

On-going Individual or Marriage/Couples Counseling 50-55 minute session fee- $150.00

Pre-Marital Counseling- $150.00/Session/ per week for 6 weeks

" Be not afraid of going slowly; be afraid only of standing still"
-Chinese Proverb

I'm available Monday through Thursday, 11:00am - 6:00pm. Schedule your appointment now. (360) 524-2045

“I was recommended to see Jennifer in the dreary months of winter when I was feeling very down in the dumps about life. With only a few sessions I was feeling much better after visiting with Jennifer and doing the things she recommended. She is professional and personable and GETS GREAT RESULTS! I have encouraged friends to see Jennifer and will continue to give out her name. Jennifer is just plain awesome!”