Combine unique individuals, each with their own set of needs, wants, desires, likes, dislikes, dreams and goals and you get a couple that has its own dynamic, lifespan, strengths, weaknesses and demands. Being part of a couple can be simple and easy going OR it can be hard work and exhausting. The best thing about combining ourselves with a partner is we get to enjoy the benefits of sharing life's experiences (ups or downs) together. This can also be a challenge when we find ourselves out of sync or that our dreams and desires are no longer the same as our partner's.
"We can work it out. Life is very short and there's no time for fussing and fighting my friend."
The Beatles were right. Life is too short for fussing and fighting. The upside is that most often we CAN work it out...together.
Your partnership is like a finely tuned engine that requires maintenance and precision instruments to get it running in tip-top shape.
I focus on helping you and your partner hear each other, clarify intentions and get your partnership running smoothly.
I welcome your unique partnership in a warm, inviting and non-judgemental environment. I will provide an unbiased, neutral voice in this process and will provide you the tools you need to learn how to communicate again. I will help you get back to your base, to what is most important to you. Whether you have found yourselves facing issues of infidelity, trust, communication, blending families, transitioning to parenthood or any other issue that makes you feel this relationship is too tough, let me help you. Let us work together now, before things deteriorate further.
Marriage and Couples counseling is also a great way to "check in" to keep on track. Waiting until the crisis happens is not proactive. Meeting with a professional who can offer an "expanded view" can keep a couple from going too far off track.
Please call 360-524-2045 for a free phone consultation and to schedule an appointment.